From Beach Patrol To Business: Fostering Innovation With Lifeguards

Professor Robert Morier, a renowned faculty member at the Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship in Philadelphia, PA, recently embarked on a unique research journey. Collaborating with the Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol (WCBP) in New Jersey, Professor Morier explored how the lifeguarding profession fosters innovation and leadership, particularly through its acclaimed Futures Program.

The Futures Program, designed for 9th and 10th graders, is an exemplary initiative that cultivates the next generation of lifeguards. Combining open-water swimming, rigorous training, and character-building experiences, the program equips young participants with essential skills and confidence. Observing the program firsthand, Professor Morier witnessed the transformation of many current WCBP rookies who began their journey in the Futures Program.

A standout figure in this initiative is Ronnie Ayres, a veteran lifeguard and mentor. Professor Morier observed how Mr. Ayres embodies innovation and leadership. Beyond enhancing the skills of young lifeguards, Mr. Ayres fosters an “entrepreneurial mindset” through a supportive yet challenging environment. 

But Professor Morier’s experience wasn’t limited to observation. He actively participated in the physical challenges of lifeguarding, from swimming and rowing to running and paddling. This firsthand experience complemented his research by providing a deeper understanding of the daily realities faced by lifeguards. Completing CPR certification alongside senior leaders and observing their communication during competitions offered real-time data on teamwork and problem-solving under pressure.

“Every day on the beach presented new learning opportunities,” Professor Morier remarked. “Understanding the nuances of preventative guarding techniques, adapting to environmental shifts like rip currents, and engaging with beachgoers all highlighted the essential skills required for successful lifeguarding.” 

More importantly, Professor Morier observed, “…the beach patrol operates like a series of interconnected startups, each stand functioning as its own unit yet contributing to the collective success of the entire operation.” This observation forms the core of his ongoing research: “Adapting to the Tide: Entrepreneurial Innovation in Ocean Lifeguarding Amidst Environmental and Societal Shifts.”

The insights gained from the Futures Program not only enrich his research but also reinforcing the Close School’s commitment to practical, hands-on learning experiences that is seen through its classses. Students at the Close School benefit from such real-world research, as it exposes them to diverse applications of entrepreneurial principles and fosters a growth mindset that prepares them to navigate challenges and opportunities in any field. We invite aspiring entrepreneurs to join us at the Close School and embark on a journey of growth, learning, and making waves in their chosen fields.

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The world of entrepreneurship thrives on groundbreaking ideas. But what if the key to unlocking their full potential wasn't just about individual brilliance? At Close School of Entrepreneurship, we believe the answer lies in Collaborative Innovation.
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