About The Close School’s Mindfulness And Wellbeing Class

May 7, 2019

Mind·ful·ness (noun) – the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.

Well-be·ing (noun) – the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy.

Mindfulness and wellbeing have transitioned from buzzwords to everyday considerations for students and professionals alike. As a student, you may not yet realize how essential these two words are to sustaining the entrepreneurial spirit. Maintaining a startup or developing new ideas in a business are not easy tasks, but as you know, your professors and advisors are here to help. Taking the Close School’s Mindfulness and Wellbeing class (ENTP 225) is an excellent idea for students who are looking to achieve better awareness and satisfaction with the work they put forward.

About the Mindfulness and Wellbeing Class

Modern day demands in the workplace create stress in workers’ lives, which can leave damaging physical and mental effects. This course offers students a chance to learn how to progress with projects in a constructive and healthy manner. Starting or managing a business can be stressful, so it is crucial that you become conscious of your outlook and how it is affecting your work.

Being mindful of your mental health and wellbeing as you leave the academic world and enter the world of full-time work is of utmost importance. In this class, you will engage in self-reflection and develop a vision of yourself at various stages of your career. Engaging in positive psychology will lead to stress reduction, enhanced creativity and greater focus. This course will instruct you on how these components will contribute to your success as a student, an employee and an entrepreneur.

Why You Should Take the Class

Discovering how to use self-reflection and self-development to your advantage in the modern workplace will set you apart from the competition. This class provokes creativity, innovation and an overall awareness of your priorities. It helps you identify your signature strengths and hone them to become your best self.

This is a required course for Close School majors, but we believe every Drexel student can benefit from taking it. Focusing on mindfulness and wellbeing can be applied to all aspects of life and career. If you’re a Drexel student that has a major outside of the Close School, we still encourage you to take this course. This is a perfect class for those who are undecided, thinking about making the switch to the entrepreneurship and innovation major or are simply looking to become self-aware in a professional setting.

We can’t wait to see you grow in this great course! Have further questions about the courses at Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship? Check out what else we have to offer: http://drexel.edu/close/academics/courses/

Andrea Moran, Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship, Communications

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