Why You Should Have A Mentor

September 20, 2021

As Benjamin Franklin said, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” The importance of a mentor should not be overlooked, a great mentor can provide valuable personal insights, feedback, and a professional perspective as someone who has already had a plethora of experience over their career. A mentor can help accelerate learning, open students to a network well beyond their own, and provide guidance backed by valuable insight and experience. It’s no wonder that 71% of Fortune 500 companies have a mentoring program and 97% of those with a mentor have found their experience valuable. The problem is, only 37% of professionals have even had a mentor! With the MentorHub program at Drexel, students have the opportunity to learn from alumni and friends of the Drexel community, who want to help them grow in their own careers!

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