Staff Highlight Melissa Tevere

August 8, 2022

Meet Melissa Tevere, the Program Manager for the Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship. Since joining the Close School team 4 years ago, Melissa has planned events such as Startup Fest, Future Fest, Proving Ground Pop-Ups, and much more.

What are some of the events you’re most excited about this year?

I’m really excited about all the programs and events we’re planning this year but one that I’m most looking forward to is Startup Fest. Unlike last year, Startup Fest will be a one-day event this November that is centered around the theme of creators. As entrepreneurs, we are all creators, and the event will focus on creative entrepreneurship through podcasting, social media, game development, and much more. Another event I’m excited about is the Startup Fund Competition which will also be taking place during Startup Fest!

Do you have any advice for students who want to participate/get involved with these events?

Take advantage of all these opportunities, they are great learning experiences and give students the chance to share their ideas, sell their work, and compete for funding all while learning and growing their network. Don’t be nervous to participate, with each event that you take part in you’ll become more confident when talking about yourself as an entrepreneur, and you’ll be able to learn from the feedback you receive so you can improve for the next event!

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